Wednesday 19 February 2014

3 Good Cardio Exercises To Do Outdoors Without Gym Equipmnent

When it comes to cardio fat burning exercises there are many options for you and me to use. This is very good because it allows people to choose ways of doing their fat loss workout that suits their preferences, circumstances and goals.

If you are someone who prefer to do cardio outdoors for your personal reasons then you have a list of enjoyable, effective and equipment-free exercises to choose from to get your fat burning workouts done out in the fresh air. Here is a list of some of the most popular outdoor cardio exercises that you can include n your workout plan.


Walking is a very simple and easy form of cardio exercise to do. It's possible to have an exercise routine based on walking alone and lose fat providing that you have a good diet in place. Such routine could be beneficial for people who are unable to do more intense forms of exercise due to some physical limitation. And it's also a good, simple equipment-free workout for people who are just beginning their journey to get lean don't have a gym membership as yet.

The main downside of walking is that it's not very effective for accelerating fat loss because the intensity is too low. However, the higher the pace, duration and frequency at which you walk the more calories you'll burn. A good routine for walking is 40-60 minutes a day, 3-7 days a week.


Running is also a good outdoor cardio exercise that is very effective. However, not everyone would be able to do it or like doing it. It a lot of endurance depending on the duration and intensity. So it's recommended to create your running workout based what is suitable for you.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is not one type of exercise. It's a method of training for fat loss that involves alternating between two different exercises. One exercise is done at a very high intensity and other is done at a lower intensity to provide time for recovery. It's proven that high burst of work like sprints burn a lot calories.

You can sprints with another lower intense exercise like jogging or walking. Sprints are absolutely one of the best ways to blast fat and sculpt your body. You don't have to be fast, just run as fast as you can! To make it more challenging, run uphill or on stadium steps.

Jump training or plyometrics 

This is high intensity and high risk. Perfect your jumping and landing techniques before advancing to full speed jumps. You may want to start with exercises like jump rope, jumping jacks, hops and squat jumps.

Outdoor cycling

Outdoor cycling can be a great fat burner, especially if you ride hills or push the pace continually with little coasting. One long outdoor ride on your bike can greatly contribute to your overall fat burning results per week. Many people who prefer being outdoors find mountain biking or cross country cycling not only an excellent type of cardio workout, but a great hobby or sport for them as well.

When it comes to cardio there many ways it can be done. If you dedicate yourself to a physically challenging sport, hobby or  recreational activity that you love it can go a long way toward ending the struggle with body fat.

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